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What is a safeguarding concern?

A child or young person safeguarding concern is when they are living in circumstances where there is a significant risk of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional or neglect).

It can also be where the young person themselves may pose a risk of serious harm to others or where there are complex needs in relation to disability. 


Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub ( MASH)

A Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub brings agencies together to share information to help and protect the most vulnerable children and adults from harm, abuse and neglect.  Staff from the Police, Health, Probation Trust, Schools, Children's Social Care and Adult Safeguarding are working together in the MASH office.


The MASH receives safeguarding concerns from professionals such as teachers and doctors as well as members of the public and family members.  For those concerns that meet the threshold for Social Care involvement, representatives from the different agencies in the MASH and outside will collate information from their respective sources to build up a holistic picture of the circumstances of the case and the associated risks to the child or adult.


As a result, better decisions will be made about what action to take and support will be targeted on the most urgent cases. Feedback will also be given to professionals reporting concerns. Better co-ordination between agencies will lead to an improved service for children and families.


If you think a child is at risk of abuse or  if you have urgent concerns for a child, or suspect that a child has been abused in any way, call immediately on 0300 500 80 80 (if you are a member of the public) or 0300 500 80 90 (if you are a professional).  If you require an urgent response outside of working hours (08:30-17:00), contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0300 456 4546.  In an emergency call 999.  To report a crime call 101.


Keeping Children Safe in Education

Please see updated documents by clicking the images below.





Services available for non-safeguarding concerns

If your query does not relate to a safeguarding concern, you may wish to contact one of the teams listed below:


Open Cases relating to children

If the child has a Social Worker, contact the Social Worker directly via the telephone number they have provided.

If you do not know the telephone number or name of the Social Worker, call Nottinghamshire County Council Customer Services on 0300 500 80 80


CAFCASS (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service)

Cafcass represents children in family court cases in England. It independently advises the family courts about what is safe for children and in their best interests.  It puts children's needs, wishes and feelings first, making sure that their voices are heard at the heart of the family court setting. 

0300 4564000


Early Help Unit

Provides information, advice and guidance about early help services in Nottinghamshire for professionals and families with children aged 0-18 years. 

0115 804 1248


Integrated Children’s Disability Service (ICDS)

Support for children and young people with disabilities aged 0 to 25 years

0115 804 1275


NSCP - Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership

Click the here to access the Child and Young Person's Neglect Toolkit.


Real Direction - Lawrence Programme

The Lawrence programme includes many resources to help tackle knife crime, unhealthy relationships and gang culture.

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